Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Idk Man

I don't really know what is going on right now , but I'm really feeling a lot right now and I don't know why .. For the last few months I just really been trying to focus on my track and school career ... For the most part things fm have been going great. I manage to get a indoor national title and break the NCAA indoor meet record ... Outdoor has been consistent I've manage to not get my first outdoor title on the conference but it's all good ... 
I've been trying to focus so hard that everything else is just fizzing away ... I have no friends ... Nobody every like invites me to anything , never to chill or vibe or anything thing ... Most if the time I'm just home ... And I see ppl on Facebook and twitter just having fun chillin and vibin with each other.. And I'm home .. Starring at the wall.. Nobody every wants to vibe or chill with me ...

Seems like I'm only relevant when I'm winning some shit or I'm in the news paper .. Everybody assume that I have this marvelous and perfect life .. When in reality I'm just so lonely man ....

Every day ... Every night I'm just lonely man and I don't know why 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Just out here Maintaning

Well, 2013 is coming up , this semester was a pretty good semester. Grades are good , training has been better .Maybe the best shape I've been in since I've been in college. At this point I'm just #maintaining. Its funny when I say that to people beacuse their immediate response is "just maintaining?" , and I'm like yea "just maintaining". See when I see maintaining I mean gradualy growing or a consistent growth .. something like a steam engine. Everyone knows that slow and steady wins the races , they also know that patience is needed. So yeah , I'm maintaining.. Everything happens in God's timing and he help those who help themselves. So ill continue to maintain and stay focus.  Districtions have been at a minimum and that's a very good thing . I've came to far to be average like most people . I want my blessings and what my God has promised me and my family and I will not let anyone even myself stop me from getting it. To much prayer,sweat,tears,work,frustration and pride went into this. We gone keep it steady and we gone keep MAINTAINING

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Good Vs Great

If Iwere guranteed sucess in my life, to be honest i don't know what exaclty it would look like. Personally, I believe that God is incharge of my life and he has instilled within me certain desires and ambtions. I beileve he also has given me every tool that i need to have a "succesful life.The twist to this delima , is that i would then have to be in-touch with him and my self to figure out those when and how i am to used and build of what he has blessed me with. This is something that will take time and mediataion. as time goes on i beileve that God is revealing to me what a "Great Life For Me". growing i played fottball and thought i would one day be a Pro football player. Well, things have changed. im currently a track and field athelte here at UF. Im pretty good one at that. One thing that pushes me to become better is the fact that i know its always going be someone better than me and its going to be someone right behind me trying to get what i have. Right now i beleive im good... But what is good to Great?.... thats why i keep going. figure out whether you were good or great wont hit you until its all over. thats why i try my best to be the best. God willing, i might one day be great

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Just finished up my season. Got 4th at the North American Caribbean Championships. Right now I'm just pretty much taking summer class and helping with a few Fraternity activities. Today was the start of my Frat's 30th Annual Blue and White weekend. This is my first time on the other side. Actually producing the event is much different. Man it's gone be pressure lol . But it should be fun

Wish me luck

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fun at the Trials....

This past week up in Oregon at The 2012 Olympic Trials was an amazing experience. All the fans and coaches. Media everywhere and every athlete that every young boy and girl admires. Not my anyways but still. I know a lot of younger athletes whose role models and idols were out there this week. In such a high level of competition your
have no choice but to just embrace it.

This past weekend I was re-taught I valuable lesson . "Once you stop having fun is the minute things go down hill. " ....I saw a lot ppl "not having fun"... I just pray to GOD that I have fun like I always do in this sport until I finish my career .. It's not all about winning .. It's about having fun while going they the process. Ppl get so caught up in being number 1 that they forget the simple fact " You can't always be number one " life itself is a competition.. Have fun man and enjoy the time that you get. It's not promised to everyone ad it's not promised forever.. It's a blessing...

I was able to come out get a PR.. Of 13.49 .. And moved to #2 on Florida's all time List in the 110 H.... Made it to the semi-finals and put my nose in there.. I HAD FUN...

It still have the Under 23 North American Caribbean Championships down in Mexico.. July 5-8 ... I'm representing the United States

Go out... Thank God for everything he has ever done ... And ask for nothing but HIS will be done.



Friday, June 29, 2012

Middle of the Summer

It been a while since I been on here...things have been hectic. Just came off our first Outdoor National Championship, with a 5th place finish in the finals of the 110s. I felt pretty good contributing to my teams succes. Even though the media barely recognized it. It bothered me at first but you know what . My coaches, my team and most of all GOD knows how I came through. Right now I'm up in Eugene for the Olympic trials. Just wanted to come out and experience what it's like to be here and compete with the top in the US.. My only expectation is to have fun and get better .. I've also been selected for the NACAC Under 23 team . I'll be representing the US down in Mexico ... That should be fun..

This upcoming fall is crucial for me ... Even though if jade success I know for a fact that I'm no where close to my true potential... If been focus but have had a few side track moments. NOT ANYMORE . I don't care who you is or what you do or how you feel . YOUR NOT going to help me get this money... I gotta get it MYSELF..


Friday, June 1, 2012


See in life its this thing called adversity , and it something that we all face. It's something that can create a king or turn someone into a beggar. It all depends in how you handle that adversity.

A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn.

- Unknown

Your outcome depends on how you handle your situation. Anybody can be happy when everything's all good, but will you still smile when shit hits the wall? Everybody will be your friend when your on top , but will those same people be there when it all fall down , will they be there to help your through your struggle?. To be successful in life I believe that you must've willing and know how to handle adversity. What value is anything that you didn't have to work for? , compared to something that you had to bleed , sweat , and cry for ?. These days people make to many excuses to why the didn't accomplish something.

"Excuses are tools of incompetence , used to build monuments of nothingness , those who specialize I'm using them are seldom good for anything else but excuses."

At this point in my life things are up and down , I'm trying to manage everything and get my priorities in order. As time goes I realize how you really can't please people. If never been that type. Even still it's so much pressure.

This Monday my team and I are leaving for Des Moines ,Iowa for the 2012 NCAA Outdoor Track Nationals. This year is also Olympic year. People are In full force competing for those top 3 spots to make the respective Olympic teams. The pressure is on. Thing is , either you make the cut or you got home and try again next time ... But next time is four years later . Not so fun is it?. Right now I'm 33rd in the world in the 110 high hurdles ... 10th in the NCAA. This year I will be competing in Olympic trails but the chances of me taking a spot are almost impossible .. Or is it ? Lol..." wishful thinking" ...but realistically I don't see it happening. .... BUT .. BY MEANS AM I GOING TO GIVE OR NOT TRY MY ABSOLUTE BEST TO MAKE IT THERE...

See that's the things about adversity ... Facing it makes you a better person on so many different levels... It pushes you past your limits.. Just think about it....

"If It was easy everybody could do it" -Terrell Wilks

That quotes speak wonders.. So right now in training and things have kinda been at a stand still ... My Fastest time this year was 13.54. Since then I haven't progressed. Ive been having complications with my start and finishing my races. It's very stressful because I know in better and I know I can do better but things just aren't clicking. Sometimes I think to myself "why am I doing this , why do I keep going?"

Last year I didn't make it to the finals in Hurdles so my really my main objective. To make it to the finals I will have to run 13.5 or better . It's just a must , these guys are not playing , I got it in me, it just a matter of me putting things together. I believe I can do it.

Hopefully I can get it done..

"Is what I'm doing right now gonna get me where I need to be in 2 days, 2 weeks , 2 months, 2 years, 20 years ...?"

Hopefully it does..... BUT RUNNING AWAY FROM ADVERSITY AND MAKING EXCUSES will never amount to anything, and all your efforts will be in vain ..